Searching for truth in the midst of lies

I am not lost. I just don't know where here is.

Location: Singapore, Singapore

Interestingly Mundane

Trying to find my way around a fallen world, I am a child of God, neither fully understanding who God is nor what He says, but knowing and trusting that He is God no matter what I feel. A pilgrim on a life journey bashing my way through, A Singaporean who is passionate about things, a desire to live a life worth living.

Monday, October 24, 2005


Where is your security? Is it in material possessions? Is it in knowledge? In science? Is it in the power that one wields? Is it in the faith of one’s ability?

Any of the above or even all of the above can serve as a person’s security, that special place where we run to to be safe. To feel comforted by being in a circle of control. A place where we are in control, insofar as we are not called out of the comfort zone. We are safe.

Of course, that means we need to defend these bastions of hope. They were constructed by us for ourselves. They are built up from within our hearts to keep us sane, and we have to defend them to death, lest we find ourselves broken and without shelter. A man will fight for his land, for his rights, for his life. Then that is what we fight for, the right to live to have beliefs that sustain us in our lives. We find our strengths in our beliefs.

When the beliefs come under attacks, we fight back. There is nothing else to do. Beliefs serve more then just a bedrock of actions, they serve as the foundations and the reason for the actions. The purpose of life is defined by your beliefs, nothing more nothing less. A person who does not belief, cannot live purposefully; he has no reason to.

Christianity can be called that safety grip Christians cling on to. If it is nothing more then a belief, then agreeably it is nothing more then a backing on which Christians live their lives. But that makes Christians no different from atheists nor scientists.

I believe God is real. I believe that my God lives. He reigns. In him I place my hope, my security, my dreams. My life, as we sing, is in him. That means living life planning for the future with God in mind, but not hesitating to drop it all for him. Crazy living? If you are not ready to defend your beliefs to the death, to the insane limits that the world shouts for us to test, then those beliefs will not stand very long. Even if the beliefs we have are wrong, we sometimes have to defend them. For in them, there is our soul.

I think humans are very interesting creatures. We want to believe what we want to believe. Anything that shows us to the contrary must be wrong, or at least have some flaw. We reject like a virus any alternative ideas. A defense mechanism we have to protect ourselves. So how did we ever progress to this point.

The only way to go forward sometimes is to admit you went wrong.


Blogger Unknown said... true. us humans have the capacity to delude ourselves into assuming some things as absolute truth, then fighting for it when it's an absolute lie. but the thing with beliefs is that we can change them and christ is the catalyst for the change. in him we find truth and it's that truth that sets us free from whatever's tying us down (sin).

nice to know that there are christians out there that think of these things.

12:41 PM  

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