Searching for truth in the midst of lies

I am not lost. I just don't know where here is.

Location: Singapore, Singapore

Interestingly Mundane

Trying to find my way around a fallen world, I am a child of God, neither fully understanding who God is nor what He says, but knowing and trusting that He is God no matter what I feel. A pilgrim on a life journey bashing my way through, A Singaporean who is passionate about things, a desire to live a life worth living.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Dependence on God

Christians do not become more independent nor more self sufficient

Christians lose that right to be independent of God. They become more dependent and less self sufficient, looking to God on all things. Whilst they lose sight of the world, God becomes more and more what they need.

The world today calls people to stand on their own two feet, to do what they can, to press on to excel and do better and to show the rest of the world that they, Mr XYZ has climbed the top and reached his limits and wants more.

God works the other way. He is calling a people who will say, I am noone except what God has made me to be, I am no one except what God has strengthened me to be. I am no one. Except by Christ.

The truth is, God wants us to be fully dependent on him, to lose all dependence on showing the world our independence, on our successes, on our abilities, talents, skills, experience, but to throw them all away, count them as losses compared to the surpassing goodness of KNOWING, yes just KNOWING God.

And i think that is the path i am now on. Over the last few days, been really dragged to being able to say, without you God, i am nothing. Even more, to say that all that is within me, i fall down, i lay it all down, at the cross. And say God, take me.

This period of waiting is starting to be the most intensive building period i have gotten. It is like God is just polishing me, testing the parts he has build over the years in my christian walk. He is bringing me back to challenges i thought i have conquered, only to realise that i still have battles to fight. In areas of loneliness, Pride, selfishness, ungodliness, unholiness. To be in the world, yet not of the world is something that needs so much crafting.

Sometimes i wonder, have i really grown? Am i a christian who appears to be stuck, locked in by the actions i make. Stuck in a growth that never happens, stuck in the same stage i was when i first accepted christ. So many times i am fighting sin, fighting lack of spiritual discipline, temptations and so on, it is a war everday.. Every moment.

But here is that crux. The war, is not you against the events. Not you against loneliness, not you against sin, against temptations, not you against the world. But it is you, against yourself. To lay yourself down and say, God take over. God take over.

Dependence on God is far far more than just depending on God. But it implies absolute trust, absolute faith, absolutely. No other choice. It is a leap, literally off the cliff, and knowing the ONLY thing from certain death, is that rope around your leg. Faith is like that.

Build my faith in you God



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