My pastor preached that christians are christians everywhere. We should not differ from sunday and the rest.
The truth is, you need to be a christian playing different roles. Whether a christian friend, a christian colleague, a christian teacher, a christian businessman. No one can be merely a christian because we all play different roles at every moment.
Jesus was a christian preacher, full of righteous fury when he threw out people from the temple. Yet he became the tender healer when he touched the repentent and those who were sick. To those who asked questions, he was the wise teacher. To those who loved the law, he was the embodiment of rebuke.
Pauline epistles vary from encouraging, rebuke, prophetic, doctrinal and so on. Yet the heart of it is the heart for God. I do not think it is possible to be the same person everywhere. You play different roles at all times. Student, teacher, friend, lover, disciplinarian. But at the root of it we are a christian.
That means we love. The theology of christianity is love. As a lover, you know how to show passionate and intimate love, aside from sex. As a teacher, you show love for your students, wanting them to achieve their destiny. As a student, you show love for the subject, desiring to understand the truth behind the words. As a businessman, you show love for your clients, not desiring to cheat but only have your clients best interests at heart.
Ok E! asked me to give fluffy post. So i shall.
I am wondering if i should buy a hush puppy shoe. Ok that is not right; I need shoes that are less ah pek then mine. Will go buy later.
The truth is, you need to be a christian playing different roles. Whether a christian friend, a christian colleague, a christian teacher, a christian businessman. No one can be merely a christian because we all play different roles at every moment.
Jesus was a christian preacher, full of righteous fury when he threw out people from the temple. Yet he became the tender healer when he touched the repentent and those who were sick. To those who asked questions, he was the wise teacher. To those who loved the law, he was the embodiment of rebuke.
Pauline epistles vary from encouraging, rebuke, prophetic, doctrinal and so on. Yet the heart of it is the heart for God. I do not think it is possible to be the same person everywhere. You play different roles at all times. Student, teacher, friend, lover, disciplinarian. But at the root of it we are a christian.
That means we love. The theology of christianity is love. As a lover, you know how to show passionate and intimate love, aside from sex. As a teacher, you show love for your students, wanting them to achieve their destiny. As a student, you show love for the subject, desiring to understand the truth behind the words. As a businessman, you show love for your clients, not desiring to cheat but only have your clients best interests at heart.
Ok E! asked me to give fluffy post. So i shall.
I am wondering if i should buy a hush puppy shoe. Ok that is not right; I need shoes that are less ah pek then mine. Will go buy later.
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