Searching for truth in the midst of lies

I am not lost. I just don't know where here is.

Location: Singapore, Singapore

Interestingly Mundane

Trying to find my way around a fallen world, I am a child of God, neither fully understanding who God is nor what He says, but knowing and trusting that He is God no matter what I feel. A pilgrim on a life journey bashing my way through, A Singaporean who is passionate about things, a desire to live a life worth living.

Friday, November 10, 2006


Channel News Asia reports quite accurately that we have become a nation of complainers.

"A nation of complainers" and "a society increasing reliant on the Government for help" were among the sadder - and harsher - labels mentioned. - Today newspaper, Leong Wee Keat (10/11/06)

That is true. For once i have to agree with the governments extremely astute examination of the issue at hand. We have become soft as a nation, with every little problem being brought back to our leaders.

Deeper inspection however, evens out the blame to both the government and the people. On the one hand, the government wants us to stand independent. Then let us stand independent, whether for or harshly against you. The government of Singapore has done a great task in singapore, building us up. Providing so much great stuff in Singapore. House ownership is one of the highest in the world, Per capita GDP is not far from the first, Per Capita GDP PPP is within the top five. Corruption index, crime rates all first class. Singaporeans have had society handed to them on a gold plate with diamonds ingrained.

However, think about our laws. Draconian. Going against the government gets you a nice long sentence. Freedom is harshly curtailed. Oppositions quashed. decisions such as number of members in the family, sexual positions, number of people meeting in public, amount of savings etc, all controlled. how do you want your people to stand as a nation, dependent on their own two feet, if you choose to cut off the feet of the people.

Economics loves the idea of tradeoff. And therein is the trade off. If you want independence, you gotta let people make the decisions themselves. Social planners role causes people to ignore the need for self decisions.

If i have one grudge, it would be this. The singapore government causes us to be dependent on them, by making our decisions align excessively with their vision of right and wrong. Law and order must exist, but taking a look at our justice system which is guilty unless proven innocent, i feel we have gone overboard, under the sea into the abyss.

Independence, for each singaporean to shut up and stand on their own two feet, then let us stand. Like children, the only way for you to let them learn, is to let them learn wrongly. Sure you keep them from harm; dun play with fire. But you let them learn; when they run stairs, they fall and they hurt.

dun blame the singaporeans. MPs are singaporeans as well. We are singaporeans. If we do not love one another, who will be there for us?


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