Searching for truth in the midst of lies

I am not lost. I just don't know where here is.

Location: Singapore, Singapore

Interestingly Mundane

Trying to find my way around a fallen world, I am a child of God, neither fully understanding who God is nor what He says, but knowing and trusting that He is God no matter what I feel. A pilgrim on a life journey bashing my way through, A Singaporean who is passionate about things, a desire to live a life worth living.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Everytime i blog some complain, God speaks.

Is 64:5. You meet him who rejoices and does righteousness. Who remembers You in Your ways.

Somehow, I read this verse, and i felt God ask me, am i rejoicing? I dunno.

Am i? I want to. I really really want to rejoice in God. I want to run so hard for God, i run out of breathe. I want to go all out for God.

Yet something holds me back. On the one hand, sin creeps in. On the other hand, uncertainty. Insecurity. The not 'Good enough' label.

But you know what, God never asked us to be good enough. He never called us to achieve big things for Him to love us. He never told us to be perfect. He did call us to work to perfection, but at the same time, His grace covers.

How many of us want to fall in love? Well, this is it. Falling in love, is to know the person so well, and being yourself. That is all. To know who the person is and realise that this is someone whom you can connect. I mean this both for falling in love with God and falling in love with a person.

In both cases, falling in love, means to know the person. 1 cor 13 is the famous chapter on LOVE, not on falling in love. I believe with all my heart, falling in love means to know the person.

Over the weekend was a horrid weekend. The truth requires a price, and i believe strongly at the end of the day, the price was paid. I also believe something. When the truth is released, many things happen whether you like it or not. One is the situation changes. Not that things happen, but the situation changes. The second is there is a price to be paid for the truth.

But through it all, i know one thing is real, honouring God. As long as we honoured God, then all is well.

Right now, God i just am asking you for a sign of the promise you made me. The covenant you made with me. God, would you just confirm it for me in any way.



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