Searching for truth in the midst of lies

I am not lost. I just don't know where here is.

Location: Singapore, Singapore

Interestingly Mundane

Trying to find my way around a fallen world, I am a child of God, neither fully understanding who God is nor what He says, but knowing and trusting that He is God no matter what I feel. A pilgrim on a life journey bashing my way through, A Singaporean who is passionate about things, a desire to live a life worth living.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


What is humility?

I realised what humility was. It is not limited to just thinking others as better as yourself. I think that Phil 2:3 is an interesting verse. NASB Translate it as :

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves;

The word BUT there is important. It signifies instead of those things, do the opposite. The opposite of humility, is selfishness or empty conceit.

That is the truth of humility. Humility is about placing other people above yourself, that is see them as more important then yourself. See their lives as precious, indeed see them as lives that it is worth to die for. See their lives as valuable. Like jesus. He saw our lives as more valuable then his! Can you imagine that? Why would he choose to die on the cross, except that He loved us so much, to Him, our lives were more valuable then His own.

But that is not to say that our lives are useless! No on the contrary. Our lives are precious and we need to live them out to the max! Jesus says, learn from Him for he is lowly and humble, but you know what, this same Jesus says, He is THE Way, THE Truth, THE Life. Not very humble eh.

The second part of humility, is knowing who you really are. Humility at its greatest, is both when we are fully aware of who God made us to be, the purpose He has for us, the direction in life, the calling in life, Who we are to God, Who we really are, and also the awareness that we must be willing to lay our lives down for our loved ones. No greater love do we show, when we lay our lives down for one another. When we esteem the other higher than ourselves, we do not mean to say we are unimportant. On the contrary, only one who is fully aware of him or her self can honestly lay his or her life down for another.

Humility is about knowing who we are. Humility is about valuing others more precious then ourselves. When we know God more, we will be more humble, both to God and in life.

Today, as i led bible study, it was a struggle, because i felt that people were a bit uninterested. It was hurting when people had conversations on paper. I realise how hurtful i am when i do that during sessions conducted by others. It really hurts when what you took time to prepare was simply seen as unimportant.

I had a spiritual attack before the lesson. Heard the devil say that i was useless, unimportant, unable to do anything, totally useless, lousy, weak, hopeless. I saw all my failings and mistakes. And almost cried. Compared to shaun's ability to read the word, i am no one. Compared to steph's ability to teach, i stand far away. Compared to rachel's strength in giving advice, i am lost. Compared to gilbert's guitar skills, i stand defeated. I felt lousy. I felt useless. I felt like rubbish. I was a screw up, a failure, a misfit, an actor in a world where christians are victorious. An outcast. One who is not even a christian at times, one who fails, flounders, flops.

But then the song, Hungry struck me.

Hungry i come to you, for i know you satisfy.
I am empty but i know your love does not run dry.

And that is the truth. I girded myself, pulled up by the grace of God, and cried out to God. There is no one else but Him. I am down but not out, because My God delivers, YES, HE DELIVERS.

Even though the sessions went badly, i believed, i did what God wanted. For that, i thank God. I come to see, that it is important that i know what God wanted, and because of my gift, i am not excused for not asking and not knowing. I hear God so clearly, disobedience becomes more of a serious thing for me simply because i know His voice accurately. A bit hard to disobey and still be able to get away from it.

For all that is worth, My God made me who I am to play the role He needs me to play.

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